The coolest kids ever.

Something you will never see again in your life.

This weekend we had two events to participate in. Friday night we held a party for some of our best friends, Justin and Kira, and their new little son Evan. They recently adopted this beautiful boy and we wanted to give him the welcome that he deserves. Irene (red shirt) and I had a great time planning the dinner menu and cooking for the party. These pictures show some of the highlights. It was a lot of fun. Joe's brother Chris is back in town and in the large group shot around the table- we love you Chris.
Saturday night we attended Joe's 10 year High School Reunion. It gave me a hint as to what I missed out on at my 10 year reunion this past summer. I'm sure I would have enjoyed my own reunion much more but it was fun to get out with Joe.
My goal to get back in shape is going well. Last week I got 5 out of 6 of my planned workouts in. This week I hope to do all 6. Seminary is going well for Joe. Everyday there seems to be more and more participation.