Sunday, September 23, 2007


So the order of my photos came out a little funny but I thought I would document the much needed haircut of my son. I was far more worried about it than I needed to be. Never underestimate the power of a Dum Dum. After a huge meltdown as I was getting him out of the car and trying to take away his bat and ball he was completely intrigued by this green sucker that kept getting hair dropped on it. AND, much to my surprise he seems happier with shorter hair, he looks great and I don't have to feel as guilty when I don't have time to brush it. I should say that the whole decision to cut his hair was made thursday morning. I had to go to the doctor for a tetanus shot and took the kids. Joseph was wearing some green cargo shorts and a t-shirt that I thought would match but didn't end up matching. Once I got on the road I realized I had forgotten his shoes. Thank goodness we have a habit of leaving his church shoes in the car. So black leather, velcro boots with black socks. And to top it off his hair was insane that morning. People were nice and still said he was fun and cute, yada, yada, yada but I felt bad that he wasn't looking his best. So, that afternoon I went to get his hair cut. You know the rest.


Ashlea said...

I understand those days...we try so hard for our kids to look decent, but don't always accomplish it with life's surprises. Good call on the church shoes in the car, that was lucky. Cute haircut too!

Jlowryjr said...

That was Joseph's first carwash. He did quite well.

Lillie said...

Ha! That was pretty funny Lace. I wish you had a picture of the mismatched outfit with the black boots. I love it. Did I tell you that while I was in DC, Ross didn't comb Sophia's hair for six days. I try not to think about what she must have looked like at church... and more importantly I TRY to think it doesn't really matter. But who am I kidding... everyone knows the nursery leaders are nicer to the cuter kids....I mean, my vanity is in her best interest...:)

Becky said...

that is so cute that a dum dum got him through. not even a tootsie pop, a dum dum. they are so little. isn't it funny what small things make kids happy? oh the days when a little succor did the trick for my sweet tooth. his haircut looks superb by the way.