Thursday, September 20, 2007


We had Joseph's friend Hunter over to play. They have spent time together ever since they were born but are just now starting to interact. They are so fun. Of course Joseph tried to take control of Hunter's breakfast but he would give it back very nicely every time he was reminded.

Lately everyone has been saying that Millie looks like her dad. It is so cute to see them together. I don't totally see the resemblance, except for maybe the face shape. I don't really think she looks like me either.This particular day we played soccer in our back yard while it was misting on us so we were thoroughly soggy. It is time for another hair cut. He is starting to complain about it. "My hair!" he shouts as he swipes it away from his eye brows. I guess that is my cue.


Ashlea said...

From the pics Millie and Joseph seem to be a good mix. They ar completely adorable and my little Hunter is so so cute too. Looks like a good time this morning!

Happy said...

I just found your blog- it's fun to see pics of you guys and what you've been up to! Hope all is well!

Becky said...

your kids are adorable. i want to see some pics of you. we need to have a reunion soon. when are you coming to califronia next?

Lillie said...

I can't believe that is your backyard. That you moved into your new house and HAD that backyard. One of the benefits of living outside of CA.

Such cute pictures of your babes Lace! Millie smiling up at Joe! so cute. You have to blog the haircut now.