Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sweet Things

This picture is not the most flattering of my son and it does not reflect my diligent efforts as a mother, but I thought it was hilarious to see how out of control I had let his side burns get.

Millie is so sweet. She sleeps on us very well and seems to really enjoy the closeness.

It has been so fun to see Joe grow into his role as father to both boy and girl. It really makes me love him even more.

This picture is what I really wanted to write about in my post. Saturday morning we had an appointment with a friend for a photo shoot for Millie's birth announcements. The whole family was invited so we could be in different pictures with Millie. Joe had committed to help a family move so he was out of the house and for the first time I had to get myself and my two kids ready to go somewhere AND look good enough to be in pictures. While Joseph ate breakfast I cleaned and packed diaper bags and then I needed to buy some time for a shower. At that moment he started pleading for the salt shaker. I thought, "What harm can be done? He'll be happy with the salt shaker in his high chair for a few minutes while I get my shower." When I came back he had completely emptied the salt onto his tray and because he had been sampling it as he went his lips were completely puckered the way they do when you have been swimming in the ocean for way too long. It was hilarious.


Lillie said...

Cute new pictures Lace. Millie is just adorable. And the pickled lips... really funny.

the Varley Family said...

Joe & Lacy! I can't believe how times are already a 4-person familia! Congratulations! Little Joey is a out girls!