Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To Chelsea

Chelsea- in light of your recent major life change of going off to college (and your comments on my blog posts) I wanted to dedicate this post to you!  

Based on my EXPERIENCE I thought I'd give you a few tips! Do with it what you like.  I thought if anyone else had any advice for a college freshman this would be a good non-confrontational place to share it! 

1. Buy a big bag of powdered sugar doughnuts every saturday and wonder why you are getting fat!
2. Hang out with people that put hot dogs in your interior light fixtures and in your bed.
3. Work at Taco Bell.
4. Allow your roommates to rent embarrassingly rated "R" movies and leave them out for your home teachers to see.
5. Develop a huge crush on a guy that plays guitar and happens to have a serious girlfriend back home.
6. Grow dreadlocks (I didn't actually do this but sometimes it looked like it!!!)

Well, I'm embarrassed to even say these things because I'm sure you are already doing them. But, get involved, try new things, be open minded, go to church and read your scriptures and pray (must, must, must), please be careful, exercise, eat healthy, keep your eye on your goals but don't be afraid to adjust them to new desires.  We love you, we miss you, and we're so proud of you! Come see us soon!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Misc. Pictures

Here are some more wainscoting pictures- we are very happy with it. I still need to hang something on our dining room wall.

Can a 16 month old be potty trained? Just kidding- she just wanted to do what her brother has been doing.
Joseph started Joy School (preschool out of a friend's home) and LOVES it.  It is nice to give Millie more one-on-one time as well.
This girl is so awesome- she definitely holds her own with her brother- she is tough and feisty and so fun.  She seems to understand everything we say and of course only obeys when she feels like it.  She can be challenging but we wouldn't have her any other way!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer Highlights

This summer I had some amazing and frankly, surreal experiences.  (Sorry about the underline, I can't figure out how to get rid of it). I can't find the time to dedicate to each one so I thought I would briefly touch on some of them, all in one post.  This is by no means all that happened to us or all of the important people in our lives, but it is a few.

The summer began and ended with a trip to California. The one at the beginning of the summer was with the husband and the kids. The one at the end was without.  They were both very rewarding and despite the quickness to the latter trip it was extremely fulfilling.  There is too much to say here about my mom and sisters.  I really love them.

Saying goodbye to Kira was totally unreal.  It was painful and sweet to watch her just be herself and cry herself silly in the line to go through security.  I would have waited until nobody was watching, but not Kira. She is always exactly who she is. It is refreshing. 
We miss you Kira!

My kids at the beach, and their cousins. So fun and cute and effortless.

Papa Joe seemed to have a lot of fun with the kids at the beach this summer.  He is so proud to be attached to these little ones.

Joe finished the wainscoting project that he and Paul started months ago.  He finished sanding and painting it and it looks fantastic! What a labor or love! Thanks Joe- you are amazing!

Joseph's Third Birthday was perfect. We were at the beach and he was so happy to have all the attention, balloons and a Cars cake. I can't believe we have a three year old. He really has grown up so fast.  Some of his favorite expressions right now, "Are you kidding? That's crazy!" "Can you please stop talking?!" " That is so awesome!" He is very enthusiastic and excited for anything.  He is so affectionate and loving with his sister, dad, mom ... everyone, really. We love him so much!

My second trip out to California was for my oldest friend Monica Haynes' wedding.  She looked like a queen sitting on a throne during the mass.  It was a very special experience to see her and her family and to witness that event.  It was also a  time to see some other great friends from High School- Katie and Abbey.